1. (基于诊断测评结果的)学情分析
(1) 深入分析优诊学诊断报告,聚焦问题。
(2) 分析学生的能力情况。
2. (体现诊断测评结果的)语篇研读
(1) 深入分析文本本身的内容和意义,如分析文本的主题意义和主要内容、写作意图、文体结构和语言修辞等。
人教版八年级下册第二单元的主题情境是志愿工作,单元语法目标是动词不定式。针对该语法课例的“逆向设计”如下:1. 确定预期结果:学生能理解和正确使用动词不定式to do的结构。2. 确定评估证据:学生能够在语境中正确地使用不定式来表达自己的意愿和目的。3. 基于英语学习活动观设计学习体验和教学活动。
八年级下册第七单元的话题是自然地理的事实和数据。Grammar Focus的板块内容是地理数据的比较级和最高级。“逆向设计”如下:1. 确定预期结果:学生能正确使用地理数据的比较级和最高级。2. 确定评估证据:学生能使用比较级和最高级,准确地介绍地理数据。3. 基于英语学习活动观设计学习体验和教学活动。
九年级第二单元的话题是节日和庆祝活动。Grammar focus的重难点是宾语从句。学生原先在阅读中对宾语从句有一定的感知度和敏感度,但没有系统地学习过宾语从句的结构,对宾语从句仍然比较陌生,而宾语从句又是初中语法中的一个难点。针对该内容进行“逆向设计”如下:1. 确定预期结果:学生能理解和使用宾语从句中that和if作为连接词的用法。2. 确定评估证据:学生能够通过回复书信的形式,在书面语中正确地使用不定式。3. 基于英语学习活动观设计学习体验和教学活动。
(2) 分析文本与诊断测评结果弱项之间的关联,依据教学进度,选择合适的教学材料来解决优诊学发现的问题。
优诊学报告显示,学生在动宾搭配、名词、形容词的某些常用语法层面存在问题,因而教师选用人教版教材的Grammar Focus部分,每两周一次开展正规的语法课教学。教授名词单复数、动词不定式、形容词比较级和最高级。
3. 教学过程8B U2 Grammar (动词不定式)
Step 1 Presentation
教师利用该单元Section A中的3a阅读语篇,呈现了单元阅读课中经过改编的阅读语篇:
Mario Green and Mary Brown give up their time each weekend to help others. Mario wants to be an animal doctor so he volunteers at an animal hospital. He says he wants to learn more about how to care for animals and it helps him to get his future dream job. Mary is a book lover. She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. Now she still works there to help kids learn to read. She says she can do what she wants to do and help others at the same time.
Step 2 Discussion
Step3 Exercise
接着进入Grammar Focus的任务环节,用适当的动词形式填空(Activity 4b)。恰好该语篇的主题也是志愿者,与不定式进行结合,学生能更好地理解语篇内容和不定式的功能。学生完成后,教师呈现语篇和答案(不定式用横线标出):
Most people today are only worried about getting good jobs to make lots of money. In their free time, they think about what to do for fun. However, few people think about what they can do to help others. There are many people who are less lucky than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way to spend our free time. For example, we can make plans to visit sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year to move to another place, like one of the countries in Africa, and help people there.
Step 4 Answer the questions
(1)What are most people worried about?
(2)Do people think about helping others? Why?
(3)What volunteer jobs can people do to help others?
通过回答三个问题,学生能了解现代社会中不少人仅仅为了赚钱和娱乐,很少做志愿工作。但还有不少人选择去做一些能帮助他人的志愿活动。在此基础上,教师提出第四个问题“As a student, do you want to do any volunteer job? What can you do to call up more people?”。接着学生进行小组讨论,教师要求学生使用目标语法,在纸上写下自己想做的志愿活动.
Step 5 Report
S1: We would like to visit old people in an old people’s home this summer vacation. Because most of them are lonely and they need to be cared. We want to do some cleaning and help them to read. If necessary, we want to raise some money. To call up more people, we decide to design some signs to put up around the school and hand out notices to let more people know about our plan.
S2: Actually, we are grandsons and granddaughters. Our grandparents also need our love and care. If we have time, we should try our best to spend more time with them. I make up my mind to visit them as often as possible. I think the volunteer work is not only for other people, but also for our families.
Step 6 Homework