1.文本阅读第三步的问题触及学生的心灵,促发学生跳出文本进行思考,培养了学生的批判性思维。 比如:
What is the metaphorical meaning (比喻意义) of winter and spring for human beings?
What does spring mean to the author? 这个问题是学生迁移问题,是由此及彼的桥梁,紧扣主题,引导学生思考春天的意义。
What should people do in "winter"? 这个问题进一步培养学生的批判性思维,引导学生意识到冬天是沉淀自我的时间,是我们积聚力量、厚积薄发的必要过程。
问题In your opinion, what adjectives can be used to describe spring? What evidence may be used to support your idea? 引导学生基于文本的内涵进行逻辑表达,同时培养他们乐观向上的人生观:“If winter comes, can spring be far behind? ”
(二)从思维品质迁移、内化的角度来看What should people do in "winter"? 这一问题,可以继续追问,深化为“What winter means to me ?”,与题目呼应,内涵则更加深刻。同时,讨论时这道题可以作为重点,进一步让学生吃透文本“During these times, we often pull away from our friends and family, and spend more time thinking or just being quiet.Then, when we have learnt what we need from these difficult times, we start to wake up again as if it were spring.”与动物的冬眠类似,我们要积聚力量(save energy),以期有大展身手的一天。上课的时候这部分有些蜻蜓点水。
(三)从文化差异角度看,在文本分析中,在文章的第4-5段可以引导学生分析"cloudy connects closely with spring."反映了一种怎样的人生态度?
According to tradition, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow, then spring will come early; if it is sunny, the groundhog goes back into its burrow, and the winter weather will continue for six more weeks.
The tradition goes back to ancient days in Europe. The special day that falls between the middle of winter and the start of spring was known as Candlemas. There is an ancient poem about this: "If Candlemas Day be fair and bright, /Winter will have another flight. /If Candlemas Day brings clouds and rain, /Winter won’t come again."